Expanded galleries for art and science exhibitions and enhanced spaces for hosting schoolchildren, families, and community groups.
Community engagement is what it’s all about. I’ve always felt that museums are not just about objects. They are about people and creating amazing experiences.
Robert P. Wolterstorff, The Susan E. Lynch Executive Director
For over a century the Bruce Museum has delighted and challenged its visitors by presenting exceptional examples of the ways in which art and science intersect. Though it may have been ahead of its time when it was conceived by Robert Bruce and bequeathed to the Town of Greenwich in 1908, the Museum now finds itself at the heart of contemporary efforts to bring together art and science, technology and creativity, so that they cross-fertilize, blend, and even fuse.
Robert Wolterstorff, who in June 1, 2019 became the Museum’s new The Susan E. Lynch Executive Director, says, “What a thrill to step into the Museum at such an auspicious moment!
People just LOVE the Bruce Museum! I hear that constantly. People volunteer that, without prompting, when I meet them for the first time. They love its friendliness. Its particular character. The fact that it is both local and world-class. And that it’s a museum of Art + Science.
Robert P. Wolterstorff, The Susan E. Lynch Executive Director
The New Bruce will be bigger and better — but it’s not going to lose its distinctive character. The Campaign for the New Bruce will double the size of the building and provide more space for all four components of our mission: Art, Science, Education, and Community. The New Bruce will be a vital center where you engage with art and science, see a film, discuss contemporary issues, meet a friend for lunch, and make new friends. A place to engage ideas and community in beautiful new spaces.
The new William L. Richter Art Wing means that we will have vastly more space for art — and vastly more space for science and education too, because the entire current building will be given over to an expanded Science Wing and to a gorgeous renovated and expanded Education Wing. For the first time ever, the Richter Wing will provide space for the museum’s permanent art collection. We will focus on the art of the 19th century to the present, with particular emphasis on building a strong collection of Modern and Contemporary Art that will make us more engaged in issues that concern you today. Local collectors have already expressed interest in donating entire collections to the Museum. This will serve regular visitors and our lively Education Programs, because you can count on visiting masterworks again and again, until they become old friends. At the same time, expanded special exhibition galleries will allow us to continue our program of world-class exhibitions that serve visitors from Fairfield and Westchester Counties and New York City.
Finally, the Richter Wing also provides community spaces and embeds the Museum in Bruce Park Nature and Community as never before. The new main entrance will face Museum Drive, and the community spaces of the ground floor, entered from the park, will be free all the time. We’ll have on-site dining for the first time ever, an expanded Lecture Hall, a larger Museum Store, and a Conference Room. The delicate, striated masonry face of the building will emerge from the hillside, and tie it visually to the stone outcrops of the park. Winding tree-lined paths and a sculpture garden will enliven the park landscape. The New Bruce will be embedded in Nature and the Community as never before.
All this will make the Bruce a lively center for the greater Community, where you engage with art, encounter natural history, see a film, discuss contemporary topics, meet your friends, and make new friends. The New Bruce is a place where you will connect with art, science, and the community. Thanks to our many friends, we are already 80% to the goal of $45 million needed to build the New Bruce. We still need your help to get to the goal. I’m excited about the future of the Bruce Museum! This place we love is getting even better.
Robert P. Wolterstorff, The Susan E. Lynch Executive Director
James B. Lockhart III, Chair of the Museum’s Board of Trustees
“The core of the Museum is education,” notes Jim Lockhart, Chair of the Museum’s Board of Trustees, “because that’s where we’re really helping the community, not just Greenwich, but Westchester, all of Fairfield County, and New York City, too. We have about 25,000 kids come through a year. We’re hoping to double that with a much expanded education area.”
Board of Trustees 2022-2023
Sue Moretti Bodson
Fred Camillo
Patricia W. Chadwick
Stephen Corman
Maurice J. Cunniffe
William Deutsch
Kathy C. Epstein
Vicki Netter Fitzgerald
Ellen A. Flanagan
Rebecca Gillan
Erin Glasebrook
Sachiko T. Goodman
John C. Hart
Tracy Bishop Holton
Karen S. Keegan
Felicity Kostakis
Michael A. Kovner
Nisha Kumar
Robert H. Lawrence, Jr.
Kamie Lightburn
James B. Lockhart III
Susan E. Lynch
Simone McEntire
Kathleen L. Metinko
Chris Wolfe Nichols
Julia Balaeskoul Nusseibeh
Dan Ozizmir
Nicole Reynolds
Charles M. Royce
Laurie Rubin
Betsey Ruprecht
Bob Selander
Anne C. Sherrerd
Deborah Simon
Heidi Brake Smith
Judith K. Stein, MD
Angela Timashev
Alexis Voulgaris
Jacqueline Adler Walker
Robert Wolterstorff
David Yudain
Martha R. Zoubek
Honorary Trustees
Steven and Alexandra Cohen
Kathy and Richard S. Fuld, Jr.
Pam and Bob Goergen
Tommy Hilfiger and Dee Ocleppo Hilfiger
Ambassador John L. Loeb, Jr.
Barbara Netter
Thomas Peterffy
William L. Richter
Leah and Robert Rukeyser
Edith and Roy Simpson
Malcolm Hewitt Wiener
Robert R. Wiener
The New Bruce Campaign Committee
Committee Co-Chairs
Susan V. Mahoney Heidi Brake Smith
Patricia W. Chadwick
William Deutsch
Nancy A. Duffy
Kathy C. Epstein
Robert B. Goergen
Sachiko T. Goodman
Tracy Bishop Holton
Karen Keegan
Jan Rogers Kniffen
Arianne F. Kolb
Robert H. Lawrence, Jr.
Cricket Lockhart
James B. Lockhart III
Deborah Simon